

A prince is bewitched at birth by an evil witch: he will marry a maid with four legs and no hands. The maid exists and they fall in love but she asks a magical creature to turn her into a mouse to marry her prince. Although the witch turns into a cat and tries to prevent the wedding, the two lovers finally manage to join and the maid turns back into a woman thanks to the prince’s good heart.

It is a simple and traditional fairy tale that includes basic vocabulary and verbal forms complemented by most complex structures that can be understood or interpreted within the context of the story. These words have all been defined in the text: christening / herald / hide / cot / be curled [up] / maid / spells / brave / wake up / turn around / scratch / fear / grant / achieve / grow up / lay your eyes on / proscribe / draw water from something / on your own / approach / drop / shatter / burst into tears / fire / saddle / cave / bewitched / keep calm / offer your condolences / throne / caress / scamper away / wizardry / dame / make someone miserable / stroke / save / swallow / stream / unable / scream / hesitate / owl / vanish / slide / skins / change back / moral of a tale / wisely.

This story can motivate learners to read other related stories (related to fairies, witches, magical creatures, etc.). The teacher may draw the students’ attention to the domain of fairy tales and other fantastic narratives, because the story has many stereotypical episodes and characters (fairy goodmothers, good/evil fairies, the royal baby doomed at christening, platonic love, black cats, the antagonism between cats and mice, the triumph of good over evil, etc.). Interestingly, the story has classical values (such as courage, selflessness, love, etc.). However, the protagonist being a prince and not a princess may pave the way for some kind of modern gender-focused approach to literature and art, as a reflection of its cultural and historical context. Finally, for fun, this tale could be suited for class work during the Halloween period.

A few words and structures may be above B1 level. However, context will usually help the reader to figure out the meaning of the text so teachers can make the most of the story to work on some of the most common and useful of these words and structures.

Students can be asked to read and listen to the story first without paying attention to the definitions or the activities. Then start the reading (and listening) again and stop at the various icons and/or challenging vocabulary items to enjoy the enrichment of the tale once they are sufficiently familiar with the story and its plot. As a final step, audio

There are several themes that could be reflected on / discussed before reading this story:
  • Witches and transformations. Talk about tales/stories where there are witches and transformations of different sorts; make students think about related stories they might remember.
  • ‘Perfect imperfections’. Talk about the strong points in people’s characters and also the challenges and fears that exist in everybody, and what can be done to overcome them.

As some of the activities point out, this tale can easily be related to: ‘The Sleeping Beauty’, ‘Harry Potter’ or any other stories that include witches, transformations and classical narrative elements typically present in fairy tales.


Un príncipe, maldecido en su nacimiento por un hada malévola, se enamora de una fregatriz. Ella, correspondiendo a su amor, intenta salvarlo. Así, convirtiéndose en ratón por ingerir una piedra mágica, la fregatriz consigue, haciendo uso de su astucia, procurar la felicidad de ambos y del reino.

Este cuento, al igual que otros de la colección (como “Plaga de dragones”), puede utilizarse para abordar temas de género, dado el papel fundamental de la fregatriz como salvadora del príncipe. Esto, además, no solo revierte los roles de género, sino que combate la discriminación por razones de clase social. En cuanto al plano literario, se presentan elementos propicios para trabajar la intertextualidad y la capacidad crítica desde una postura interdisciplinar, rebasando los límites de la literatura, con miras a analizar, también, productos cinematográficos o del cómic.

Actividades de lectura crítica orientadas al trazo de relaciones intertextuales entre el cuento y otras narraciones del mismo tipo, ya sean literarias o cinematográficas. Una actividad colaborativa y de desarrollo emocional sobre clases sociales, igualdad y discriminación. Actividades de escritura creativa y de dibujo. Una actividad interactiva que propone unir cada cuento con su moraleja correspondiente.

Definición de las siguientes expresiones, palabras o grafías: estilógrafo, concurso, ojo de gato, michino, alazán.

Text, intertextuality and context: Activity to scaffold reading comprehension and notes on intertextual and historical or cultural contextual information.
Creativity: Activity to enhance imagination and fantasy.
Collaboration: Activity to be undertaken totally or partially in a group.
Critical capacity: Activity to promote explicit learning through analysis and critical reasoning.
Oral comprehension: Activity for the acquisition of oral receptive skills.
Gamification and digital skills: Activity to promote gamified and technology-based learning through exercises and small interactive games with the computer.
Oral interpersonal communication: Activity to improve oral production and interaction.
Didactic guidelines for the English teacher: Table with a summary of the story and recommendations for the use of the tool in the classroom.
Audio: Listening of the enriched audio embedded in each page.
Comprensión lectora y contexto Explicación de información contextual, histórica o cultural, difícil para el lector actual.

Creatividad Propuestas para trabajar la imaginación, la fantasía y la sensibilidad a partir de la lectura.

Trabajo colaborativo y emocional Propuestas de actividades para desarrollar el trabajo en grupo y el conocimiento de las emociones.

Capacidad crítica e intertextualidad Anotaciones que promueven el pensamiento crítico y la profundización en el conocimiento de las estrategias literarias.

Actividades auditivas Anotaciones orientadas a desarrollar la recepción auditiva, utilizando la dimensión oral del lenguaje, los sonidos y la música.

Elementos interactivos (Puzles, galerías de imágenes, ejercicios, etc.) Anotaciones que han requerido algún tipo de programación especial orientadas a fomentar la lectura activa.

Audio Pista de audio del cuento por página.

What’s the name given to the process of sleeping through the winter in the animal kingdom? Why do some animals do that? How do they manage to survive? Do they wake up to eat and drink?

Talk to others about this and look for the answers to these questions if necessary.

Do you think that humans and snakes hibernate?


Una ciudad de libros

Comprensión lectora y contexto Explicación de información contextual, histórica o cultural, difícil para el lector actual.
Creatividad Propuestas para trabajar la creatividad a partir de la lectura.
Trabajo colaborativo y emocional Propuestas de actividades para desarrollar el trabajo en grupo y el conocimiento de las emociones.
Capacidad crítica e intertextualidad Anotaciones que promueven el pensamiento crítico y la profundización en el conocimiento de las estrategias literarias
Comprensión sonora Ejercicios que trabajan la comprensión auditiva (para la versión en inglés).
Elementos interactivos (Puzles, galerías de imágenes, ejercicios, etc.) Anotaciones que han requerido algún tipo de programación especial
Icono audio Se utiliza este icono para escuchar el audio incrustado por página en la versión en inglés y en la bilingüe.

Las bodas del ratón

Este relato es una adaptación de un cuento de la autora inglesa Edith Nesbit titulado “The Prince, Two Mice, and some Kitchen Maids”, el cuarto cuento de la colección Nine Unlikely Tales for Children, ilustrada por Harold Robert Millar y publicada en Londres en 1901. Este cuento tenía, en el original, dos ilustraciones que encontrarás en las anotaciones que hemos añadido a esta versión digital.

En 1922 la editorial Calleja ya publicó una traducción de este cuento en la colección que publicó con los relatos de Nesbit, El dragón de Llama. Tenía un título más parecido al original: “Un príncipe, dos ratones y varias fregatrices”. Ese cuento incluía las primeras cuatro ilustraciones de Federico Ribas que aparecen también en esta narración. Como puedes ver, la Editorial Calleja reciclaba cuentos e imágenes ya publicadas.

Dibujo de la portada de El unicornio y otros cuentos, Madrid, Editorial Saturnino Calleja, 1925.

The English version of this book is a translation from Plaga de Dragones, a story collection which was published by Saturnino Calleja in 1923. This translation was undertaken collaboratively as part of a crowd translation project which took place at the Spanish distance learning university UNED in 2016, involving translation teachers and students. During the translation process, we tried to reach a balance between being faithful to the Spanish text and bringing it into the 21st century for the enjoyment and learning of modern readers. We feel that the stories are still relevant to you these days and trust that you will find the cultural contrast interesting.

The text has been enriched with a number of annotations including audio, term explanations, and various proposals for activities, which are mainly aimed at young non-native English speakers.

Otro cuento parecido

¿A qué otro cuento te recuerda este principio? Presta atención a los parecidos y diferencias que hay entre este cuento y el otro.

Grabado de Gustave Doré (1867), para el cuento titulado “La bella durmiente del bosque”, de Charles Perrault.


Listen to this recording of another story and answer the questions below:

Which story does this fragment belong to? Do you know what's happening in the story you just listened to?


Now that yoy have read the whole story of the Shepherd and the snakes, read this brief comic strip of "Little Nemo" by Winsor McCay (1869-1934)

Do you think there are similarities between the stories? Working with a partner, write down as much coincidences as you find.

What do you think the shepherd thought and did when he saw his dog again? What do you think the dog did?

Collect and share information about snakes. First, try to make an effort and focus on what you already know. Try to remember what they eat, how they reproduce, etc. Then, you can look for more data in your Natural Science' books or the Internet if you need to

Afterwards, try to organize the information you have found out about their life (what they eat, how they reproduce, etc.) and summarize it in a paragraph or in a few PowerPoint slides.


Listen again to the words of the wizard.:

Do you think he is angry?

What expressions would you use in a similar situation in order not to sound so aggressive?


Es otro nombre para la pluma estilográfica, que es una pluma para escribir que lleva incorporado un depósito recargable o un cartucho para la tinta.

Es un detalle gracioso que el rey pase de escribir invitaciones él mismo con su pluma (como haría cualquiera) a ponerse al frente de su ejército. En la versión original de Edith Nesbit, sin embargo, la pluma no es una cualquiera, pues tiene punta de diamante.


A la autora original de este cuento, Edith Nesbit, le gusta hacer alusiones a cuentos infantiles muy conocidos, en este caso a La bella durmiente. Sin embargo, en el cuento original de Perrault La belle au bois dormant, el hada malvada no tiene nombre. Tampoco lo tiene en la versión de los hermanos Grimm, Dornröschen. Pero Nesbit llama a su hada malvada “Malévola”, utilizando una palabra española. En la película de Walt Disney (1959) la bruja se llama de un modo parecido, “Maléfica”. ¿Habrá leído Walt Disney a Nesbit? Discútelo con tus compañeros.


Aquí la palabra “concurso” no significa que vaya a haber ninguna competición de hadas ni nada por el estilo, sino que se refiere a que el hada se presentó a la fiesta, pues la palabra “concurso” (que viene del latín “concursus”: acudir, chocar) también significa “concurrencia”, “encuentro”, o sea, un conjunto de personas que coinciden para verse en una ocasión especial, en este caso para celebrar el bautizo del príncipe.

Boda desigual

Discute con tu familia o amigos qué significa “una boda desigual”. ¿Por qué querían los reyes que el príncipe se casase con una princesa y no con una señora de la limpieza o “fregatriz”? ¿Qué opinas tú al respecto? ¿Crees que la forma de pensar de los reyes también existe hoy en día? ¿Hay que ser igual de guapos, igual de listos o igual de ricos para quererse?

Portada del cómic de Albert Uderzo, Astérix, la rosa y la espada (1991) e ilustración de Harold Robert Millar para el final del cuento de Nesbit titulada “There stood up a prince and a princess”.

Ojo de gato

El ojo de gato o cimófano es el nombre que recibe una piedra preciosa de color verdoso amarillento con efecto tornasolado que proviene de un mineral llamado crisoberilo. Otra variedad conocida de piedra semipreciosa que viene de este mineral es la alejandrita, con tonos rojos y verdosos.

Durante el siglo XIX, fue una piedra muy buscada porque un ojo de gato de 313 quilates había sido regalado a la Reina Victoria por el Rey de Kandy en Ceylán cuando fue derrotado por el ejército del Imperio Británico.

Desde la Antigüedad, distintas culturas le han atribuido propiedades mágicas.

Crisoberilo de Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

Algo insólito

¡Prueba tus dotes de escritor/a! Piensa en otro hecho insólito, esto es, fuera de lo normal, extraño, que pueda sustituir este párrafo: “Y fue que” hasta “¡Pobrecito michino de la casa!”. Ya sabes, para que la historia siga teniendo sentido, tienes que incluir a un gato en tu descripción.


Una manera familiar de llamar a los gatos. Otros sinónimos son “minino”, “micho”, “micifuz”.

¿Y tú? ¿Conoces otros nombres para llamar a las mascotas?


Esta palabra viene del árabe hispánico y se refiere a un color rojizo parecido al de la canela. Se utiliza también para referirse a un caballo de este color.

Dibuja a este hada malvada

Malévola debía tener una pinta horrible. Haz un dibujo suyo siguiendo la descripción que aparece en el cuento.

Aquí tienes cómo la dibujo H.R. Millar para su aparición en el bautizo:


Espero que te haya gustado este cuento y su moraleja. Lo que te enseña este cuento lo puedes aplicar a muchas situaciones.

Vamos a ver cuánto sabes de cuentos y sus moralejas. Une el título del cuento con su moraleja.

No hay que ser vago pues nuestros esfuerzos se verán recompensados en el futuro.
Tenemos que evitar las tentaciones y no debemos decir mentiras.
Hay que obedecer a los mayores pues ellos saben mucho, aunque no siempre es fácil saber qué hay que hacer en cada situación.
No es bueno ser muy avaricioso pues al final te puedes quedar sin nada.


El guante y el sombrero son prendas que están relacionadas con una posición alta en la sociedad, tal como se refleja, asimismo, en el cuento. Reflexiona sobre qué prendas o accesorios de ropa marcan hoy en día distinciones entre los niños.

La Moda Elegante Ilustrada, 1 de diciembre de 1923, p. 360. Madrid.

Salieron corridos

La expresión se refiere a que, en el cuento, los niños salen de la pastelería confundidos. El pastelero no se fía de la procedencia de la moneda de oro que recibe de los niños y les ordena que se marchen antes de llamar a los guardias.

Ilustración del cuento original de Nesbit por H. R. Millar.


En esta parte de la historia, aparece un amo de caballerizas, que es el encargado de cuidar y administrar un lugar destinado a estancia de caballos y animales de cuadras (es decir, las caballerizas).

Fíjate en que, en el cuento, aparecen otras profesiones. Reflexiona si se siguen practicando en la actualidad o en tu entorno, o si han evolucionado o cambiado, teniendo en cuenta que estamos en una época distinta a la que se escribe la historia. Te damos una pista, en la imagen, de un oficio emblemático de los siglos XIX y XX. ¿Sabes cuál es y en qué consistía?


Con esta palabra, en la historia se refieren a que una persona o empleado con autoridad pública avise a alguien o llame su atención, con cierto objetivo o propósito. Roberto, uno de los niños del cuento, es “requerido” por el guardia para que saque las monedas de oro en la comisaría.

Carne de membrillo y tocino de cielo

¿La carne de membrillo es un dulce tradicional hecho a base de membrillo y azúcar. En el norte de España se suele servir como postre acompañado de queso. El tocino de cielo es un postre hecho con yema de huevo y azúcar y de un color amarillo intenso.

Si no conocías estos postres, pregunta a los mayores de la familia si los han probado y cuáles son sus favoritos. ¿Os animáis a hacerlos juntos?

Fue el descendiente de todos los gatos actuales

¿Te lo esperabas? Este Dragón desde el principio era muy casero y parecía que estaba muy a gusto en los sótanos del castillo, tanto que ha perdido su coraza metálica y se ha convertido en un gatito que toma leche y pan. Ahora ya puedes contarle la historia de dónde vienen los gatos a todos cuando tengas la oportunidad. ¡Quizás no sepan que en realidad son familia de los dragones más perezosos!


El sifón es una botella de un litro que muchas veces contenía una especie de gaseosa.


Hablar – o aquí gritar – al unísono quiere decir que todos gritan lo mismo a la vez.


El sacristán es la persona que ayuda al cura, y se encarga de cuidar y limpiar la iglesia.

Los transportes

Se da por sabido que lo que le pide el cura al sacristán es que enganche el caballo al carro para llevar a los niños a casa. Actualmente, uno de los mayores problemas de las grandes ciudades es la cantidad de coches que hay en ellas. ¡Es difícil aparcar y hay grandes atascos! Casi todas las familias ahora tienen un coche para desplazarse pero antiguamente había muy pocos coches y antes aún, no había automóviles, sino coches tirados por caballos. Investiga en Internet y coméntalo con tus abuelos u otras personas mayores ¿Ellos tenían coche? ¿Cómo se desplazaban cuando eran jóvenes?

Intenta conectar los siguientes vehículos con su año de invención, ¡a ver si lo consigues!

  • Coche – 1886 por Carl Benz
  • Locomotora de vapor – 1804 Richard Trevithick
  • Avión con motor – 1903 hermanos Wright
  • Bicicleta (en la forma como se sigue usando hoy) – 1884
  • Globo estático – 1783 hermanos Montgolfiere

Ilustración de sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), para la novela original de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (1865), de Lewis Carroll.

El sueño del vuelo

¿Has soñado alguna vez con volar? ¿Cómo fue la sensación en tu sueño?
Y si no lo has soñado nunca, ¿cómo te lo imaginas? ¡Dibuja tu sueño o el vuelo más alocado y mágico que te imagines!

El final del cuento

¿Te parece justo para Eufemia y Enrique el final del cuento? Piensa sobre por qué los adultos no agradecen a los niños su hazaña e imagina un final diferente para el cuento. Puedes poner por escrito ese final aquí.


¿Cómo eran los juguetes de tus padres y abuelos? Pregúntales si tuvieron algunos de estos.

La ciudad en la biblioteca, en la ciudad en la biblioteca

Los escritores utilizan muchos trucos para hacer sus historias interesantes. En este caso, la autora hace que los juguetes y los espacios de juego que construyen los niños cobren vida y se hagan reales dentro de la historia. ¿Conoces otros cuentos en los que ocurra hacen algo parecido?

Aquí tienes un ejemplo muy famoso:

El soldadito de plomo


Manuel Rivadeneyra (1805-1872) fue un editor e impresor español que desde 1846 trató de reunir las obras clásicas de la literatura española en una colección que se llamó la Biblioteca de Autores Españoles.

El ratón mecánico

Otro truco para hacer una buena historia es jugar con los narradores y el origen del cuento. Nuestro narrador ha escuchado la historia que acabamos de leer de uno de los personajes del cuento. ¿No es un poco raro? ¿Te fiarías tú de lo que cuente un ratón mecánico?

Inventa una historia con un narrador poco fiable ¡pero divertido!

If you were a fairy godmother, what gifts would you give to a newborn baby and why? Think of three gifts that would be useful for its life.

Imagine you are going to celebrate your brother's/sister's birthday. Write an imaginary invitation for the event.

Think of who the recipients of the invitation are and what kind of party it is going to be. Don’t forget to make it as irresistible as possible!

Sleeping Beauty
Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day, "If only we had a child!" But for a long time they had none.
One day, as the Queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled. Before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world."
And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a year had passed the Queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that the King could not contain himself for joy. He prepared a great feast and invited all his friends, family and neighbours. He invited the fairies, too, in order that they might be kind and good to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but as the King only had twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of the fairies had to be left out. None of the guests was saddened by this as the thirteenth fairy was known to be cruel and spiteful.

What differences did you notice between both stories? If you want to, here you can read the full story.


A Christian ceremony in which a person, typically a baby, becomes a member of the church.

Example: The whole family was present at the christening of our newborn child.


To interrupt.

Example: You shouldn't disturb a cat or a dog when they're eating; they don't like that.


A person who used to make official announcements and carry messages and letters from the monarch.

Example: The king sent out his heralds to let the people in the kingdom know that there would be a big party.

The king thinks he has invited all the fairies. Then, why is there a voice saying that nobody invited Malevola to the christening?


Imagine you have to introduce yourself to a head of state or some important authority. This would be a formal situation. Work in small groups without taking notes and try to improvise and provide a complete introduction of yourself (including name, age, nationality, main hobbies and personality traits, etc.).

In the story, Malevola cast a spell against the baby prince. If you were there at that moment and had magic powers, what would you do?

Perform a little role play where one is a good fairy and the other is Malevola. Both of you only have two or three opportunities each to get your own way to harm/help the baby.

First, Malevola casts the spell. The good fairy replies with a different spell (say the name of the spell and what it does). Malevola gets a new chance and so does the good fairy.

The audience decides whose spells were more powerful.

You may use any spell of your invention. However, in order to help you, here is a list of spells from Harry Potter's books that you can use as counterspells:

Did you know that some people suffer from "ailurophobia" (an extreme irrational fear of cats)?

There are many kinds of phobias, like claustrophobia (irrational fear of confined places) or arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders).

Hid (hide)

To go to a place where you cannot be seen or found.

Example: The thief ran away to hide from the police.


A small bed for a baby, with high sides so that it cannot fall out.

Example: When the mother saw that the baby was asleep, she put her back in its cot.

Was curled (be curled [up])

To lie down as if in a little ball, with your back curved and your arms and legs close to your body.

Example: Cats like to be curled up next to a warm fire.


A female servant.

Example: After dinner, the maid cleaned the table and washed all the dishes.


Words that have magical power.

Example: The wizard opened his book of spells.


Not afraid to do something difficult or dangerous.

Example: In fairy tales, the prince is always very brave.

The children are debating about the wish for that day. Do you know which wish they asked for?


Polishing off (polish off)

To eat something quickly, without leaving anything.

Example: He polished off the last piece of cake.

Woken up (wake up)

To stop sleeping.

Example: He always wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Turned around (turn around)

To move so that you are facing the opposite direction.

Example: I felt someone touch my back so I turned around to see who it was.


Without a doubt; impossible to take for someone or something else.

Example: He didn't tell me his name on the phone when he called, but his voice was unmistakable: it was grandpa.

Scratched (scratch)

To cut or damage the skin with nails or claws.

Example: When a cat is angry, it can scratch you hard.


The feeling of being afraid of something.

Example: Some people are afraid to be high above the ground; they have a fear of heights.

Granted (grant)

To agree to give something to someone.

Example: The teacher granted me permission to go to the bathroom.

Listen to the following songs about wishes. If you like children's music, listen to "Snow White":


and "Peter Pan":


If you prefer modern music, listen to the teen pop band One Direction:



and Pink Floyd:


What do the singers you listened to wish?

Now you have the opportunity to make three wishes for yourself or whoever you want to (as in "I wish I could fly").


Weddings are an established ritual in western culture with standardised expressions.

Watch this extract from the TV show 'Friends' where a wedding ceremony is taking place and write down all the expressions that are used in the extract that seem 'standard' for any wedding.


Do you know the wedding rituals of other cultures? Are there any specific formulas used? Look for one or two examples.


To be successful in doing something.

Example: She worked hard and achieved her dream of becoming a famous writer.

Grew up (grow up)

To change gradually from being a child to being an adult.

Example: When I grow up, I want to be a scientist.

Laid his eyes on (lay your eyes on)

To see something.

Example: The first time the child laid her eyes on a violin, she knew she wanted to become a musician.

Look at the palaces in the gallery below. Which one do you think looks the closest to the palace in the story? Write down the similarities and main differences and discuss with your partners the reasons for your choice.


To forbid, to say that something is not allowed.

Example: Smoking is proscribed in schools and hospitals.

Drawing water from (draw water from something)

To take water from something.

Example: In the old days, when there was no running water in people's homes, they would go out to a well to draw water.

This is an old picture of a group of Indian chiefs.

Imagine that, like the children in the story, you want to dress up as an Indian American. Get a couple of garments or accessories that would help you look like an Indian. Now prepare a little speech of who you are (you may be a famous chief or an Indian child, for example) and what you do (you may speak about a great achievement or just your daily routine).

If you are not a famous chief, remember to invent a wonderful Indian-sounding name with its meaning in English!

In the time the story was written, it was common in families of high society to have many servants. In the story, we found out there are different house helpers in the children's house: a housekeeper, a maid and a cook.

Working in groups, write down three different tasks each of them do.

Once you are done, each member of the group should write who in his family does all that tasks.

On her own (on your own)


Example: I like being on my own in my room, reading quietly.

Approached (approach)

To come closer.

Example: First, I could not see what it was but, when I approached, I saw that it was a piece of glass.

Dropped (drop)

To let something fall to the ground.

Example: I wasn't careful and I dropped the vase. It's broken now.


A large container with a handle that is used to keep water (or another liquid) in and to pour it into a glass.

Example: I want more water. Where is the jug?

Shattered (shatter)

To break into many small pieces.

Example: I dropped my glass onto the floor and it completely shattered.

Burst into tears

To start crying.

Example: The children were very sad when their mother did not want to give them candy, and they burst into tears.


A napkin; a tissue made of cloth.

Example: Before there were paper tissues, everyone used handkerchiefs made from cloth.

Anther invented the name of a tribe. Can you invent the name of your tribe too? What does it mean in English? What are your symbols? Where do you live? What are you like? What do you do for a living? etc.

Ceremonial pipes were used and shared by Indian Americans who wanted to seal an important treaty or covenant (agreement). This is represented in the following statue:

Surely this is not what you do when you want to make peace. Discuss with your group what you and the people around you do when you want to make peace after quarrelling or disagreeing, or to seal an agreement.

Fired (fire)

To dismiss from a job; to order someone to leave a job.

Example: My boss was very angry at me and she fired me.


Very close, not far.

Example: I live nearby; it's only a two-minute walk from here.

Saddled (saddle)

To put a saddle (a leather seat) on a horse.

Example: Before you go riding, you need to saddle the horse.

Read the following extract from the beginning of this well-known children's book: 'The Gruffalo's Child' by Julia Donaldson. Describe the Big Bad Mouse that appears in this story in your own words and think about the possible similarities between the Big Bad Mouse and the Big White Mouse of our tale (you can visit The Gruffalo's site to know more about this and other related stories).

Gruffalo: No gruffalo should Ever set foot in the deep dark wood.

Child: Why not? Why not?

Gruffalo: Because if you do The Big Bad Mouse will be after you. I met him once, I met him a long long time ago.

Child: What does he look like? Tell us, Dad. Is he terribly big and terribly bad?

Gruffalo: I can't quite remember. (Then he thought for a minute and scratched his head).

The big bad mouse is terribly strong And his scaly tail is terribly long. His eyes are like pools of terrible fire And his terrible whiskers are tougher than wire.

Narrator: One snowy night when the Gruffalo snored The Gruffalo's Child was feeling bored. The Gruffalo's Child was feeling brave So she tiptoed out of the gruffalo cave. The snow fell fast and the wind blew wild. Into the wood went the Gruffalo's Child.

Child: Aha! Oho! A trail in the snow! Whose is this trail and where does it go? A tail poked out of a logpile house. Could this be the tail of the Big Bad Mouse?

Form small groups for a short role play. Student A asks for advice on a particular problem s/he has (anything at all); student B gives the corresponding advice; and student C, an expert in the matter, agrees or disagrees with the advice given, by adding or commenting something.

Take it in turns so that each of you gets to play all three roles.


A large hole inside a mountain or in the ground.

Example: Our ancestors used to live in caves in the Palaeolithic Age.


Enchanted, magic.

Example: Some children say that that old house is bewitched; nobody lives there and the doors open and close on their own!

Keep calm

To relax.

Example: Don't worry! Keep calm. Everything will be alright.

Why is the prince so scared of the cat?:

He doesn't like cats.

He was enchanted to be afraid of cats.

He thought the cat was trying to eat his lunch.




The maid saddled the prince's horse to visit the Great Mouse's Cave. If the story was happening nowadays, do you think she would ride a horse? And would the Great White Mouse be living in a cave?

Imagine this story happened nowadays. Where would the Great White Mouse be living? In the basement of a mall? Maybe inside a sewer? Which vehicle would the maid use to visit him? A car? Would she take public transport?

Adapt what you have read so far from the story to modern times and underline the three main differences between both stories.

Offer their condolences (offer your condolences)

To express your sympathy; To say that you feel sorry or that you feel bad for someone.

Example: At the funeral, we all offered our condolences to the family of the person who had died.


A big, beautiful chair that only a king or queen can sit on.


To touch softly, especially in a way that shows affection.

Example: The mother caressed her child's head before he jumped on the bus.

Scampered away (scamper away)

To quickly move away.

Example: When the cat entered the room, all the mice scampered away.


The art or practice of magic.

Example: Merlin was very good at wizardry.


A woman from a wealthy or noble family.

Example: Only dames were invited to the royal ball.

Make the prince miserable (make someone miserable)

To make someone feel unhappy.

Example: The announcement that the school trip was cancelled because of the rain made everyone miserable.

Stroking (stroke)

To caress; to touch softly.

Example: Cats and dogs love to be stroked.


To keep safe from harm or danger.

Example: The tall woman saved the cat which was afraid to climb down the tree.


To make food or drink go down from your mouth into your throat.

Example: When a pill is too big, I have problems swallowing it.

The Great White Mouse was willing to help the maid. Why did the maid want to be transformed into a mouse?


The maid of our story has been transformed into a mouse by the Great White Mouse. Could you think of any other tales you know that include animal transformations?


In many folktales, cats are supernatural servants of witches or even witches themselves. Do you know how this superstition started?

Cats are nocturnal and roam at night.

Cats like old ladies because they feed them well.

Cats are beings that come from a supernatural world, not from Earth.


What will the prince do? The witch, disguised as a cat, is trying to set a trap to the prince and the maid is trying to help him in her mouse form. Imagine that the prince, unaware of this situation, starts chasing the mouse to get rid of it. How would the story end?

Finish the story from this hypothetical situation using 50-100 words/ 1 or 2 paragraphs.


A small river or current of water.

Example: They rowed against the stream for hours and ended up very tired.


Not having the ability to do something.

Example: I was unable to reach the top shelf so I asked for help.


A loud cry, especially of pain, fear, anger, or excitement.

Example: There was a loud scream from inside the cave.

Reached (reach)

To arrive; to get to.

Example: We reached the airport on time for our flight.

Hesitated (hesitate)

To stop and think for a moment about what you are going to do.

Example: She hesitated before writing down her answer.


A nocturnal bird of prey.

Example: I think I heard an owl last night when we were camping.


To disappear suddenly.

Example: The magician made the cards vanish during the trick.

Slid (slide)

To move something over a surface without lifting it.

Example: When you pet an animal, you slide your hand over its back.


The thin layers of tissue covering the body of a person or an animal.

Example: African elephants cover their skin with water and mud to keep cool.

Change back

To return to how it was before.

Example: Can you please change the channel back to the movie we were watching?

Moral of this tale (moral of a tale, experience, etc.)

The lesson that can be learnt from it.

Example: The moral of that story taught us that we must always be honest.


In a way that shows that you know what you're doing because you have a lot of experience; making the right decision.

Example: The policeman spoke wisely about self-defence.

Imagine you could turn into an animal for a day. Decide which animal you would choose and why. Work in pairs and comment on each other’s choices (why you would or wouldn’t choose that particular animal). Think of the strong points and survival features of each animal, its abilities and its habitat. You may also prepare an oral debate on this topic in your class. Remember in oral debates you must be respectful towards others’ opinions, stay calm, listen carefully and wait until others have finished talking before you reply. It is also a good idea to combine real world facts and personal experiences

Most tales in western folklore have the same ending: the main characters live happily for the rest of their lives.

Did you know that other cultures also have preferred endings for their tales? For example, many Bulgarian tales tend to finish with the expression "and for three days they ate, drank and had fun". Korean tales finish with the expression "And they lived happily after then".

What is the traditional way to finish British tales?


Did you notice the moral ending of this story and many other tales in this and other volumes?

This tradition started in the ancient Greek civilization, when Horace claimed that the aim of poetry was to educate and delight. During the Middle Ages, writers recovered this tradition and began to add a moral conclusion at the end of their stories. You can find a very good example of this in "Tales of Count Lucanor", a book written by a Spanish author in the 14th century. Since then, many writers have followed this tradition.